Monday, June 29, 2009
Sunday, June 28, 2009
The easiest way to lose something is to want it too badly
K fine whutever i wont let
Yesterday i spent the entire morning revising and doing the chem brains are fried.

So i went to a flea market at Mt Sophia with the cousin and i bought a bunch of stuff for only.....$28!!!!! HAHAHA CHIP CHIP.

Over 200 vendors and alot of good stuff like those you can find in those good blogshops like ohsofickle etc. But very very very crowded i must say (AND VERY HOT), we came out soaked through. But very very worth it!!!! (And a good way to destress heh heh)
Anyway school is starting tomorrow (le sigh) and the worst thing is that i heard the timetable is now extended to 4.15pm + double periods!!!! Siao!!!! (The upside is that this timetable is only for 2 weeks...the new timetable better end at 2.30 latest!!!!) I know ive said this like a million times but I AM REALLY NOT LOOKING FORWARD TO SCHOOL URGHHHHH!!!!!!!
Friday, June 26, 2009
Pop star Michael Jackson dies in Los Angeles aged 50
June 26 2009
Tributes have been pouring in for pop singer Michael Jackson who died yesterday following a suspected cardiac arrest in his Bel-Air home.
The 13-time Grammy award winner Jackson was pronounced dead at 10.26 p.m. Irish time after arriving at the Ronald Reagan UCLA Medical Center in full cardiac arrest, said Fred Corral of the Los Angeles County Coroner's office.
The cause of death is not known and an autopsy is likely to take place later today, Mr Corral said.
At the time of his death, Jackson was preparing to perform 50 concerts at London’s 02 Arena.The shows, which were due to begin on July 13, sold out within hours of going on sale. AEG Live said Jackson had passed a lengthy physical exam in early 2009, before the London concerts were announced.
"For Michael to be taken away from us so suddenly at such a young age, I just don't have the words. I've lost my little brother today, and part of my soul has gone with him," said Quincy Jones, who collaborated with Jackson on three of his best-selling albums, Off the Wall, ThrillerBad .
Michael is survived by three children: Michael Joseph Jackson, Jr., Paris Michael Katherine Jackson and Prince Michael Jackson II. and
flea market shopping day!

YAAAAAAAY this made my day a little. So now when i say "GU JUN PYO IS MINE!" no one can argue with me heh heh. Dont try and spoil my fantasy cos in my mind.....we are in a relationship.
Ok so.
5 things you did not know about me
(Or you know but i dunno that you know)
(ok that was from heidi haha)
1. Picky eater!
I dont eat seafood! Except scallops. And fish fillet like the McDonalds kind or the fish and chips kind. And maybe a little bit of prawns if someone peels them for me haha. Oh and maybe squid. Like the hokkien mee kind. Not the mini orange kind in the taro balls. Or the deep fried kind. Gross.
No raw food. I tried raw salmon once and it tasted really squishy and disgusting. Just the thought of it make me wanna hurl. No chinese desserts (tau suan etc) no chendol no ice kachang no satay beehoon no ham ching peng (is that how you spell it? Haha) no green tea & the list goes on.
Oh and I only eat all the really common fruits like apple orange etc. NO DURIAN!!!!111 I tried a weeny bit once after much persuasion and as expected it tasted like shit. Not that i know how shit tastes like but you know what i mean. And the smell oh the smell....

But despite my food preferences....
2. I like to eat
Like steak, junk food, chicken/duck rice, all the westerny stuff, ramen, the japanese rice thingy fom yoshinoya etc. Even my mum is suprised at the amount of food i can eat haha. Like i said my food talks to me. They say "Eat us! We are delicious."
True story.
3. I love pickup lines!
The cheesier the better: "Excuse me, i just dropped something. MY JAW!!!!!"
I even have an pickup line app in my i touch (=^_^=)
Better than: " Hi, can we make frenz? Can i hv ur numberzzxx?
4. I hate the sun/the heat
Ever since the sec 1 band camp where we played this game in the field and i became reallly chao tah and it took ages for me to return to my normal skin colour which is already quite dark because according to my mum, i was born quite fair (she has pics to proof it) but then i had jaundice so she had to put me under the sun for a couple of months. Sian why am i so sway.
And i get tan really really easily and it takes me a long long time for me to return back to my original skin colour. Sooo now when i go out i always put sunblock. My friends can account for that haha! SPF 50 some more! Even if i have to choose a sport it will be the indoor kind like badminton or table tennis etc.
I have also devised the perfect plan. When i am rich enough i will buy a house in Korea and a house in Australia. In december i will stay in korea where they are having winter and Aust is having summer. Then in june i will move to australia where they are having winter and Korea is having summer. So this way i will experience winter....MY WHOLE LIFE!!!! HAHAHAHAA i get goosebumps just thinking about it (=^-^=)
Ok. I dunno what else already.
Anyway! Lee (I found out his name is Lee Jung Chul or something but eveyone calls him Lee soooo.....ok lor i also call him Lee. ) is leaving this Saturday! Which is sad really cause i just got to know him properly like a couple of months ago and he's really nice! He taught me how to say 1 to 10 in korean and a bunch of other korean sentences. Which is very entertaining cause you get to hear the accent and all ^^
What else. Hmm oh school is starting on Monday. What a killjoy totally NOT looking forward to it. You know the Channel News Asia website has this polling thing where you can vote to extend the school holidays?
I used all the computers available in the house (grand total of 2 haha) to vote!!!!! But all my efforts were gone to waste cause we are still going to have to return to school on Monday ): When i heard the news on channel 5.....I felt like i couldnt breathe like my heart was turning into stone....
LIKE THE WORLD WAS COMING TO AN END!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Wah so drama.
Anyway my mum says i am contradicting myself cause i always tell her i cant wait for this year to end but then im not looking forward to next week.
Ah whatever. Actually i still have abit of math homework to do....but i dont feel like doing leh how ):
ok bye.
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
"Begin with a bang at the start of a passage to capture your reader's attention."
Haha ok i admit i shamelessly stole that from zhiyu. But haha so funny right!
A married man keeps telling his wife "Honey, you have such a beautiful butt". Every person in the town agrees that she does have a very beautiful butt. The man's birthday is coming up so she decides to take a trip to the tattoo parlor and get the words "Beautiful Butt" tattooed on her ass.
She walks in and tells the tattoo artist he husband thinks she has a beautiful butt. He looks and says, "You do have a beautiful butt". She then tells the man she wants Beautiful Butt tattooed on her ass. The man tells her "I can't fit that on your ass, it takes up too much space. But I tell you what, I will tattoo the letter B on each cheek and that can stand for beautiful butt. She agrees and gets it done.
On the man's birthday she hears him come home and is only wearing a robe. She then stands at the top of the stairs. He opens the door and she says "look honey." She then takes off the robe she is wearing, bends over, and the man yells "WHO THE FUCK IS BOB?"!
HAHAHAHA SO FUNNYYYYY!!! I didnt get it at first then i realised her asshole represents the letter "O" HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!
Construction worker on the 5th floor of a building needed a handsaw. So he spots another worker on the ground floor and yells down to him, but he can't hear him. So the worker on the 5th floor tries sign language.
He pointed to his eye meaning "I", pointed to his knee meaning "need", then moved his hand back and forth in a hand saw motion. The man on the ground floor nods his head, pulls down his pants, whips out his chop and starts masturbating.
The worker on 5th floor gets so pissed off he runs down to the ground floor and says, "What the fuck is your problem!!! I said I needed a hand saw!".
The other guy says, "I knew that! I was just trying to tell you - I'm coming!"
A man travels to Spain and goes to a Madrid restaurant for a late dinner. He orders the house special and he is brought a plate with potatoes, corn, and two large meaty objects. "What's this?" he asks. "Cojones, senor," the waiter replies. "What are cojones?" the man asks. "Cojones," the waiter explains, "are the testicles of the bull who lost at the arena this afternoon."
At first the man is disgusted, but being the adventurous type, he decides to try this local delicacy. To his amazement, it is quite delicious. In fact, it is so good that he decides to come back again the next night and order it again. After dinner the man informed the waiter that these were better than the pair he had the previous afternoon but the portion was much smaller.
"Senor," the waiter explains, "the bull does not lose every time."
A male whale and a female whale were swimming off the coast of Japan when they noticed a whaling ship. The male whale recognized it as the same ship that had harpooned his father many years earlier.
He said to the female whale, "Lets both swim under the ship and blow out of our air holes at the same time and it should cause the ship to turn over and sink. They tried it and sure enough, the ship turned over and quickly sank. Soon however, the whales realized the sailors had jumped overboard and were swimming to the safety of shore.
The male was enraged that they were going to get away and told the female "lets swim after them and gobble them up before they reach the shore." At this point, he realized the female was becoming reluctant to follow him.
"Look", she said, "I went along with the blow job, but I absolutely refuse to swallow the seamen."
Haaaahah okay so sleepy update later.Sunday, June 21, 2009
romeo take me somewhere we can be alone

Oh how badass haha.
Anyway im back from the camp and it was...okay. The most fun part was hanging out in my room and watching Nickleodeon. (Fairly Odd Parents & Spongbob Sqpants ftw) Ya im anti social like that haha. There was alot of good food and i think i overate at every meal -.-
Haha I also feel way more relieved when Ryan told me he only started stuying (consistently, he added) 2 weeks after the June holidays (he got 8 pts for his L1R4 btw. Lvl of intellect: Same as me. Bad at math chinese sci (?) etc.) cause i only started like last week? I havent been doing much since Jan till the 1st week of june to be honest.
Hmm what else oh I felt like puking during the bus ride home (dont i always -.-) but thank god a ton of flies entered our bus after the toilet stop cause Ewan Ethan Uncle KinFai Aunty Kwai Theng Joan Enyi Enrong and I tried to kill them until we reached Singapore. And that distracted me from my car sickness or in this case bus sickness a little.
"How many have we killed?"
"Three? There are ten more!"
"Aw man mission failed!!!!!"
"No thats the end of Fly Wars I. Now lets begin Fly Wars II!"
"Go go go!!!!"
"Call re-enforcement! Command and conquer!!!"
"Okay. DAAAAADEEEEEEE!!!!! Come! Theres a fly!"
"Wah lucky we reaching already. I want to go toilet."
'Why, you wanna shit ah?"
"No lah for a fast fart."
Wah so hungry k bye.
Saturday, June 20, 2009
너도 여기 있었으면 좋겠는데
말 그대로
Thank god theres wifi here! Okay im going back to sgp tomorrow NOT looking forward to the 3 hour bus ride -.-
Thursday, June 18, 2009

Genius. I also want to stud my ass.
I went for my dental appointment today and i now have rubber bands put on which makes it a tad difficult for me to eat cause i have problems opening my mouth properly. Ok wait maybe thats a good thing so i wont eat so much, especially when i am going to malaysia tmr for church camp.. (digressing a little: Tmr i have to wake up at freaking 5am to make it to church at 615am! Insane!)
On second thought, being the glutton that i am i'll probably rip off the rubber bands and eat to my hearts content before putting new ones back on. Actually i think im SUPPOSED to take them off when i eat. Cause my dentist gave me like a whole packet of them. But i thought they were extras like you know if my rubber bands snapped or i swallow them or something. Someone pls confirm kthx!
Anyway my holidays have been very boring actually. Majority of my time is spent at school, in front of the lappy, at the piano and (ocassionally) at the study table. Yeh i know i to need to buck up -.- And i've been surfing like a ton of fashion blogs. I now i have a folder filled with hundreds upon hundreds of shoes, runway looks, outfits etc. Haha i look through them when i am bored.
Oh and i think taylor momsen's style is quite nice also hehaho.
ok i go eat raisins now.
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Monday, June 15, 2009
the most amazing shoe collection ever

The YSLs

The Marnis

Gucci, Rick Owens, Pierre Hardy, Burberry.

Burberry, Giuseppe, Guiseppe, Guiseppe.
The woman's daughter = baby fashionista
She's like 5 years old -.-

Sunday, June 14, 2009
the possibility that you'd ever feel the same way...

i got the same top haha.

Saturday, June 13, 2009
cant wait to see you again
'When was a time today when you felt that God was with you?'
*after disscussion*
'During songtime.'
'In the toilet.'
Friday, June 12, 2009
happy birthday evan

Dunno when this was taken. Probably when she found out that we were bringing her to the Night Safari haha.
K dinnner update...later.