romeo take me somewhere we can be alone

Oh how badass haha.
Anyway im back from the camp and it was...okay. The most fun part was hanging out in my room and watching Nickleodeon. (Fairly Odd Parents & Spongbob Sqpants ftw) Ya im anti social like that haha. There was alot of good food and i think i overate at every meal -.-
Haha I also feel way more relieved when Ryan told me he only started stuying (consistently, he added) 2 weeks after the June holidays (he got 8 pts for his L1R4 btw. Lvl of intellect: Same as me. Bad at math chinese sci (?) etc.) cause i only started like last week? I havent been doing much since Jan till the 1st week of june to be honest.
Hmm what else oh I felt like puking during the bus ride home (dont i always -.-) but thank god a ton of flies entered our bus after the toilet stop cause Ewan Ethan Uncle KinFai Aunty Kwai Theng Joan Enyi Enrong and I tried to kill them until we reached Singapore. And that distracted me from my car sickness or in this case bus sickness a little.
"How many have we killed?"
"Three? There are ten more!"
"Aw man mission failed!!!!!"
"No thats the end of Fly Wars I. Now lets begin Fly Wars II!"
"Go go go!!!!"
"Call re-enforcement! Command and conquer!!!"
"Okay. DAAAAADEEEEEEE!!!!! Come! Theres a fly!"
"Wah lucky we reaching already. I want to go toilet."
'Why, you wanna shit ah?"
"No lah for a fast fart."
Wah so hungry k bye.
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