
i think i'll be the one owing yuanyi the hashbrown treat =="
Everyone seemed to write such loooooong ass passages.
only me O.o sure fail =="
anyway, today was a veeeryyyy long day.
we(ClarissaCheongSiMin[haha],sera,me) bitched about her again.
and CCSM told me to see her aug-sept posts O.o
(didnt knw *you* were so dependant)
and ____ blacked out her face in the yearbook :D
omg,such a good feeling O.o
die, bitch ! ^^
oh, but as danny was flipping thru,
we realised that there was another huge ass pic of her.
anyway, if urhmm knws, i think he will kill me.
I’ve tried to go on like I never knew you..
I’m awake but my world is half asleep,
I pray for this heart to be unbroken,
But without you all I’m going to be is, incomplete..

Cause there's something in the way you look at me
As if my heart knows you're the missing piece..
geog today was.. =="
we separated seats so we couldnt talk so much.
didnt talk much,the only upside is that yuanyi offered me pringles,
thank goodness coz i was sooo darn hungry :[
Victora couldnt receive my earthquake proj thingy,
coz i did it in notepad O.o ( i dont hv word doc ==" )
I didnt save it so i guess i have to redo >:[
ah well.
Do you know what it feels like to love someone
who's in a rush to throw you away ?

"can i clear this for you?"
"hmm ? can or not ?"
"can,and you can lick my feet and do my homework for me while you're at it"
if i dont want to be seen at the gym or whatever,
thats my friggin problem okay ?
not yours.
& if u want to humiliate me like your _______,
go ahead. i seriously dont care.
If you get high by such perverse cheap thrill,
then i feel sorry for you.
& speaking of your _______,
how does he expect me to understand the first time ?
he explains so fast and doesnt even * me the basics,
and expects me know it and not ask him.
& when i DO ask him, he calls me stupid and brainless and useless
and tells me not to___ so much pizzahut and mcdonalds
or i'll get even ________.
if im ____, that my problem. You're not me, so why should you care ?
you just want to fucking humiliate me right ?
i hate you, you *******.
oh and dont tell me what i cant type here.
if i want to type 'fuck', i will.
this is MY ranting ground, you dont tell me what i should or should not type.
stfu okay.
i still have to see _____ you later -.-
why must you resume this _____ ?
why cant you do it next ______and give me a break -.-

three cheers

so tell me im beautiful
im so bored ):
My birthday's coming in 10 days time, but i dont feel the least bit excited =="
maybe cuz i've 'celebrated' it sooooo many times.
i dont even know what exactly i want.
okay, maybe i do. Click here :D
hehe,neways. im waiting for yt's call for my mapleprepaidcard delivery.
He always takes sucha friggin long time -.-

My links are blue & i dont know how to correct it O.o
succhhhhhhhhhhh an eyesore -.-
anywayyyyy, i've decided to revive my blog! YET AGAIN!
yay me [:
hopefully i'll be able to keep it alive.
just soooo lazaye to post kay =="
i'll update more tmr.
soo laaazy ):
anyway i alr made progress on my blog. heh.