MERRY CHRISTMAS .<3ok. cant be bothered to type much cuz its christmas ,
& im super pissed off by _ .
i'll just put pictures .
and elaborate a bit .
i only had the camera on the third & fourth day .
so only pictures from day 3 & 4 .
Day one .
we did drills for an hour .
sweated so much .
sectional & main band in the afternoon .
37 Taman Petaling
(TP) girls came in the night .
had icebreaker games with them .
and they're REALLY friendly .
Day two .
cant remember much .
sectionals & main band in the morning & afternoon .
and at night , like 10 plus,
we all went to the hall to practise .
and it was all unarranged .
we didnt plan it at all .
when me, april, renee, pamela, evan, weishan & vivian
steped into the hall, there were alrd
quite a number of people practising .
so we took our instruments and practised also .
then jufri came to help us ( me, april & renee) in panther fire .
Hong wei helped the french horns .
jufri brought us aside .
then tested us on our timing .
kenneth came over to watch .
then later hansley watched awhile also .
and took renee aside to help her .
( cuz he's saxophone also)
then there was one time where
me and april kept saying yesssss
like the TP girls when juri asked us questions .
cuz right, the TP girl ALWAYS reply
yesssssto they're conductor when he asks them a question
or gives them suggestions to improve .
so the whole time they're like
yessssyessssyessssyessssand they will always drag the 's' behind .
then coral band was like making fun of them la .
so that time when jufri was helping us ,
jufri : ok . start frm bar 12 .me & april : yessss .jufri : ok go .me & april : yesss .*kenneth bursts out laughing*jufri : then start la ! *starts laughing also*me & april : yessssss .and we all laughed harder .
lol .
i think we laughed like ard 15 - 20 minutes .
haha .
day three .
morning had combined sectionals with TP girls on LGT & SM .
then in LGT, christopher & yuen san (tp) always
didnt know when to come in .
then camy was so fricking pissed .
haha .
then we had main band .
after that we had to wash up & change
into our concert attire and have dinner .
sooo nervous .
mummy , aunties, counsins , joshua & owen came .
thanks for coming !

we had interval .

me in uni and mummy .
and then we played 4 more songs .
and the tp girl joined us for the encore .
we're THAT good ok .
lol .

coral & tp .

rashidah (band major) & mr wong (conductor)
during prize giving .
then the after party .

owen , JK , me , april .

me, felicia , camy , yvonne .
shining's behind . lol .
can see her legs and face btween camy & felicia .
we took like a million pics .
but im lazy to upload .
then we went back up to hall .
had debrief speech by mr wong .
we're playing alvarma for SYF nxt year .
hopefully we'll get a gold if we all practise hard .
and then we took more pictures !

trumpet section .

clarinet section . without the guys . lol .

me & shytheng . she's super sweet . <33

lutfiya , shytheng and me .
then the tp girls went to orchard to see the lights .
we helped the percussion to put the drums and stuff
back to the CDS .
damn heavy and super hard to bring dwn the stairs .
6 girls were needed to bring 1 timpani dwn .
lol . and there were 4 timpanies !
but only need two guys to shift one timpani dwn .
but the timpani is damn big & heavy la .
the bass drum also .
lol .
after that we went to sleep .
day four .
packed up .
went dwn for breakfast .
went up to clean up the class room .
then we slept abit more .
and guess what .
evan can sleep with her eyes open !
freaky .
then went dwn to bomb shelter .
mr wong was giving a farewell speech to the tp girls .
we listened with them .

coral & tp .
then we said our farewells .
everyone was like taking pics and hugging and stuff .

mostafa , chris , jeremy ,
front row : huan ye and two tp girls .
dunno their names :x

clarinet girls ! minus alot of ppl .
hahas .
i have more photos .
but i lazy to upload .
then we went to the foyer to send them off .

tp group photo with tchers in charge, mdm ng and more.
minus coral .
then the tp girls boarded the bus .
and coral band was behind waving and waving .
lol .
so nice .
then the bus started to move and coral band
ran after it waving .
lol .
just imagine a hundred people .
running after a bus .
haha .
tehn hansley fall us in .
comitee gave us presents .
then hansley fall us out .
and we went home .
party later .
kbye .