I think this was during my cousin's brithday. See how sad i look in the last picture? Probably cause she has a cake and i dont. Haha. I remember we used to wake up at like 5.30am to dress up for church. We were always the best dressed. And our hairstyles were damn fanciful. And now... church starts at 9.30am but i only wake up at 9. And my mum and i only leave the house at 9.30 HAHA LAZYBUMZ.
I still have more photos, but its all kept in a couple of boxes in one of my cousin's rooms. Oh check out the second picture. We are only a year apart but lookie at the height difference O.O She was so fat and round and boing boing bouncy but now she's so thin haha. And btw the first two pictures were taken at my ex home, AKA Elias Green. I think i lived there for like 14 years AND NOW I REALLY REALLY MISS ELIAS GREEN SNIFF SNIFF.
Anyway, there's english and social studies papers tomorrow. English should be fine but shittttt im so scared for my ss even though its only my midyears...Just afraid i wont be able to answer the essay question ): Mmmk im off to revise. WORK HARD EVRYBDYZ!
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