As i am typing this I am in a room at Corpthorne King hotel! i wasnt really sure of the hotel name at first, so when people ask i just anyhow whack haha. Um. But i am still in Singapore leh hahaha cause my mum won one free stay or something so here we are. We're on the 12th floor, fantastic view plus comfy room but i didnt bring my camera along soooo...
And actually i already had my reunion dinner last Sunday but we're having another one tomorrow. I am annoyed. See each other one time not enough meh -___- Okay lah and i am reluctant to go cause i already collected my angpaos during the first round.....which means if i go now then i wont have any money! Not worth it leh haha, cause i really dont like family gatherings ):
I had tuition today and we are finallystarting on 4B. A good thing about having tuition, the tuition teacher will give you angpaos = extra money! Hahaha providing he/she is married lah.. Um I'm meeting Chelz one last time tomorrow before she flies back to Perth (Aw, im gonna miss you hun ]:) and im not sure where we're gonna go but we'll figure something out! I wanna watch love matters haha. Actually if i had a boyfriend i would watch it with him but i dont have one unfortunately, so i have to watch with my friends lor no choice, hahaha.
Okay here's a dirty joke i saw flashing on an LCD screen in front of a bar in Clarke Quay:
Q: What do priests and christmas trees have in common?
A: The balls are just for decoration!
HAH. I think i stood there (at the front of the entrance of the bar) for about 20minutes just watching all the jokes flash by and sniggering to myself. But i didn't get some of the jokes. Maybe my mind is too clean ^^ hahaha.
Okay going off nao.
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