Went out with Cousin to watch Madagascar 2 yesterday. Then we went to Ikea but i got really grouchy halfway through cause i was so hungry and I couldnt eat cause i just tightened my braces on monday and it still hurt.
Anyway she was so nice to send me home in a taxi. HAHAHA. That aside, I got up specially to do this post cause i STILL have no computer and i have to sneak online on my aunt's. Which is particularly dangerous at this time of the year cause she's a lecturer and i have no idea when the poly students start their holidays cause now her schedule is really erratic and she could be back anytime.
Speaking of which, i almost got caught last week. OMG so scary i tell you. You know, even if she's back early its usually like 4+pm. But on that day she came back at like 1+pm. Scared the hell out of me when i heard the door opening. I quickly forced the laptop to shutdown, and dashed into her room, replaced the computer in its original position and dashed back out again. My heart was beating like crazy and the whole time i was like oh god please please please dont let me get into trouble.....please please i will be a good girl....
Eh but i suspect she knows cause when she left later on, i went back into her room and her laptop was in a different position from where i left it. And she must have known.. cause the laptop didnt have time to cool, so she must have felt the heat. But if she knew, she couldnt be bothered to change the password. Its still the same leh O_o so i can still sneak online but this time with extreme caution.
Eh but i suspect she knows cause when she left later on, i went back into her room and her laptop was in a different position from where i left it. And she must have known.. cause the laptop didnt have time to cool, so she must have felt the heat. But if she knew, she couldnt be bothered to change the password. Its still the same leh O_o so i can still sneak online but this time with extreme caution.
Thank god she originally left her laptop in her room. I shudder to think of the consequences if she had previously left her laptop downstairs in the living room where she usually does. Cause if she did, i'd have no time at all to replace the laptop and FYI the living room is just in front of the front door. So if she DID leave it downstairs originally, i would have been caught red handed. Plus i would have been in deep shit. THANK YOU GOD FOR SAVING MY SKIN ^^
Okay i actually meant to blog only one paragraph. I domt know how it got so long. Anyway, tomorrow im gonna meet April, Renee and Evan at 10 for breakfast and then we're going to school to buy our books for next year. And then im going for buffet with my mum. Yay cant wait. BYE ^^
ahhah yes yes im sucha niceeee person, thanks ah.
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