"Cause if you wake up one day and find that you're missing me
and your heart starts to wonder where on Earth I could be.."
(EDIT: HELP ME CLICK ON THE NUFFNANG AD ON YOUR RIGHT! Anyway, Im not in town now but i brought my lappie over so i can still go online ^^)
Eh hiiiiiii. Im at my cousin's place now and when i first arrived she offered me a ribena and grabbed one for herself. When she was done she said, ohh when you finish you can just throw it out window here *points to window* and proceeded to throw hers out -__-
Then she told me...okay her exact sentence ahhhh : "Sometimes my father will talk to me about zuo ren de dao li and then i will fall asleep. But sometimes i will listen lah haha." Then we wanted to order lagsane and starry munchies for lunch but we didnt dare to call pizza hut so my cousin called her mum who was at work and asked her to speak to the pizza person.
It didnt arrive for a long time and i asked her if her mum actually placed the order. Her reaction : "SHE DARE DONT ORDER?!?" Hahaha wtf. Anyway i spent most of my afternoon packing for my malaysia trip and playing (ahem) runescape with siu and blogshop hopping.
Merlissa helped me to order my contacts already so i hope it arrives soon~
Mmmkayyyyyzzz bye!
alysssssa! you're Self-Obsess to yr bloggah right right right? ahahahahah
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