Sometimes things are just too good to be true.
I was on mlg this morning looking at the announcements when i came across our timetable for our eoys which is on the 22nd of sept. That leaves us with about 18 days to study jeez how did time fly by so quickly? Cause the last time i checked we still had 4 weeks to go.
And hey its september already which meaaaans we're gonna be 16 soon which means we can watch nc16 movies and it also means we can graduate soon yaaaaaaaay cause it seems like yesterday that i was sec one & i can still remember my oreintation so clearly hahahaha .
But lets deal with our eoys first k dont think so far hahaha.
Im glad to say that today has been a productive day. I was supposed to meet Cheong this morning to hand in our compos and study and whatnot at the library. But since the library opens at 11 and Cheong said the timing was "not here not there" (hahaha) so we decided to do it tomorrow.
Soooo instead of going out, i did the PE olympic e-learning assignment (yeh wtf pe also got e-learning huh) first cause it was obviously the easiest and a lazybum like me wouldnt want to start off with something too difficult hahaha. Then i did my physics 8.1 and the e-learning worksheet. And oh. When Mr Woo said there was a physics e-learing assginment i thought there was just gonna be a worksheet like the last june holidays you know? But loooook (-___-) :
1. Please fill up the blanks in the Electromagnetic Spectrum
notes (Document PHY13-A, download from the MLG) after going through the
following websites to read on Electromagnetic Spectrum.2. Please draft an original one-page mindmap on
Electromagnetic Spectrum using Microsoft Word (or any other word processing
software). Plagiarism is strictly prohibited, and no marks will be given for any
mindmap that is not original. You are to print the mindmap and submit it to your
Physics teacher by 12 Sep 08 (Fri).3. “Electromagnetic waves are useful to Mankind…” Select one
type of electromagnetic wave, and research on its usefulness to mankind. You are
to work in pairs, present your findings on one large vanguard paper, and submit
it to your Physics teacher by 12 Sep 08 (Fri).
So far i've only completed the first one (edit) Yay me I've just finished the second one which is the mindmap yaaayaaahaha and in case you were wondering, i decided to do it on microsoft powerpoint ^^ (/edit) & i wonder if i can do the mindmap by hand cause my printer's ink is running out and the text will come out really light. And hey Cheong care to be my partner for the 3rd part? hahaha actually i was just asking for fun cause you have no choice lah hahaha.
Mhmm okay back to work. And let me know if any of you can find the chem e-learning cause i cant seem to find it kthxbye.
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