Nobody said it'd be easy. They just said it'd be worth it.
I am so tired! I woke up at 630 this morning and left the house at 730 for my dental appointment at outram park. I arrived there at like 830 and i still had to wait a freaking one hour before my turn. I took out my tongue stud before that and during the one hour waiting time i was soooo scared the hole would close.
Anyway i was supposed to put the bottom part of the braces today but i told my dentist to do it the next visit cause i didnt want to be too late for my POA at 11. (See lah, im such a good girl....what to do ? ^^) Oh and i like my new rubberband colour! Electric blue! hahahah im going to use this colour forever and ever and everrrr. (Actually i was tempted to type 'Amen' at the end of the previous sentence hahaha cold joke)
Left at 10+, reached school around 11.10. And i saw _'s group on the way to school from whitesands. I was so nervous i took the longer way to school just to avoid them ahahahahahahahaa.
POA ended early but we'll have another remedial on friday 9-11. And i think im going to school with cheong on thursday to passup our compos.
Headed to KFC for lunch, talked to Yintong abit about what games i wanted in my psp ( TeoYT i know you read my blog. I pass you my memory card when school reopens, then you can delete all the games except DJMax and Tales of the world. And help me download Hellboy and God of war. Hahahaha thanks ah brudder ^^)
Went to VideoEzy to return the dvd i borrowed and cheong went to look for her cd. Then to IceLemonTea and New Generation. Saw this girl piercing her lip. She was gripping her boyfriend's hand so tightly, and everyone was looking anddddd i think the girl's boyfriend felt very macho and proud or whatever cause you knowwwwwww the girl's holding his hand cause she's scared of the pain yadayada and he was grinning at everyone the whole time -___- Jeez.
Mhmm. Headed home at around 2. I have chinese tuition later and i still havent finished any of the work she gave aaaaaaaaaahahahaha kbye.
(Someone called plastic.medalist@hotmail added me. Who is that aaahhhh ?)
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