You know im such a fool for you
you got me wrapped around your finger
do you have to, do you have to let it linger.
Hiiiiii. Its finally the end of the week which means exam are coming soon. Okay exams are on monday. And today they changed our venue to the hall hahahaha yesssaah ^^
Very busy this past week tons of homework, revision papers and class tests to study for. I've been waking up at 4am to revise during the past few days cause im a very last minute person ehahahaha. I only study like 2-3 weeks before the exams or else i cannot retain the info. Anddddd needless to say i'll forget every single thing once the paper is over haha.
We'll have a break between exams on the 23rd and 24th of sept and another 3 days during october and one of the days happen to be hari raya or something. That means 4 days to see _ then its goodbye forever haha so drama. But i must start getting used to not seeing _ around all the time or not next year how to survive in school huh.
Oh and i have a dental appt at outram on tuesday at 1.35pm so i have to remind my mum to write a note to let me leave school at 1235. Im gonna put the bottom part of my braces i hope it doesnt hurt. Anddd today we had to stay back for poa lesson form 230pm to 430pm. I think it was very productive haha. Had practice with the final accounts thing and all that plus i finally managed to balance my accounts with (alot) of help from Ms Goh, Joan,Cheong, Lijuan and Danny. Hope it all goes well for eoys.
And hehe i still havent let my mum sign my report slip. I dont know how to show her my results anyway. Hmm what else. Ohyes i watched this show called choir boys or les choristes. Its in french but with english subtitles. The ending is sooooo sad but the singing is soooo good! Go watch go watch ^^
K i'll end of with a cold joke jasper told me :
Person A: How many letters are there in the alphabet?
Person B: 26.
Person A : How many letters will be left if i take away the letters U, F and O ?
Person B: 23 ?
Person A: Wrong! Because E,T in the U,F,O !
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