Never knew it'd be this hard to lose something i never had.
Hahahah hi. Its 8am and i am online butttt Im leaving for school in 10 minutes time ^^ Anyway, havent been blogging these few days cause its the weekend and my aunt's always home so i cant go online. Anddd i love my new blog song cause it describes how im feeling to a T ^^
Sooooo joel found out about my hehehehe secret yesterday. So clever. Im not gonna show anyone actually haha unless they happen to find out themselves. Anyway i went out with Siu and her brother on friday. I didnt feel like going actually cause Cheong wasnt going, but thennn its the holidays leh and i still havent gone out once. So yes.
We went to Plaza Sing and watched Make It Happen. Siu wasnt keen on watching it cause it was rated two stars. But i think its fantastic! Or maybe its cause i have poor taste hahaha. I love dancing shows cause well it makes me feel like dancing hahahahaahaha okay dont laugh only I can laugh ^^ Then we went to HajiLane....and took pictures duh. Most of them are with Siu though.

There you go. Anyway im actually back from school now and editing this. And omg i saw him today even if was only a glimpse. Actually i saw his friends first. And i was like dying to walk out from under the central stairs and go see where _ was but Cheong had to decide if she should go for Gavel Club and sooooo they left ugghgh.
Last saturday my mum brought me to this MindChamp thingy where they teach you how to remember stuff easier and a bunch of other things for sgd4.3k. Andddd i know it works cause during the preview, the kids/teens present were divided into lower primary, upper primary and secondary. So we went into our respective classrooms and they gave us a bunch of difficult words like uxorious and antithesis and pyrexia. Then they taught us how to remember the word and their meanings. And hahahaha till today i can still remember them ^^
They have other stuff for math and science and chinese also. My mum's thinking of signing me up so i hope it works man then i can ace my o levels ^^
And theres this girl ah who thinks she's damn cool and that everyone want to follow her. Please lah like you've never copied anyone in your entire life ? You think you're completely original huh hahahaha gag me pls. Dont bother changing your appearance or look or whatever cause face it you've been 100% lianz like probably your whole life and trying to become an emo wannabe or whatever you have in mind just makes you a poseur and i believe you dont wanna be labled as one. Sucks to you betchhhh.
Mmkay im done with my ranting anddd i really hope this week pasts quickly. Or maybe not. Then i'll have more time to study for eoys hahaha laytah ^^
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