You still mean everything to me,
but i guess you're just not worth the fight anymore.
KONKON. Today i realised that i super looooove my seating
arrangement/position in class :

When im bored, i can just turn around for a good gossip with Clarissa.
Danny is there to make me laugh with his funeral song and to interupt
Clarissa when she's trying to talk to me. Merlissa is there to give me one of
her skeptical looks that make me laugh. And her sarcasm. Siu is there is tell
me dumb jokes and talk about totally random stuff like duck porridge.
Elyse is there beacuse.. her bimbo-ticness is.. amusing. And Lendl.
Lendl always helps me pick up stuff that i drop. Which means i dont have
to bend down or get out of my seat, No, im not making use of him.
He's just nice. hahaha.
Speaking of Lendl, he and Elwin didnt do their english worksheet that
Mdm Low discussed with us in class. She wouldn't let us go home until
we completed it, so they started copying MY worksheet -__-"
Lendl probably thought it was chinese lesson or something cause
he read the word "gang" (as in the gang in gangster) in hanyupinyin
pronunciation. OMGZ soo funny pls. He's like, eh, whats ga`ng ? -_-
Stayed back with Kel(mond),Kel(vin),Sel,Bel,Del,Clar,Zixiang,
Yintong,Elvin to wait for lee fong ting to finish her lunch.
Take so long one. Left with Clar,Kelmond,Sel and Elvin.
Im going to buy a puma watch. I asked how much ZX one cost,
and itssss... $160. Spoiler. I shall go find one on saturday ^^
And i still wanna pierce my tongue. I dont care.
Im going out for dinner later with my mum,extended family
and some relatives from hong kong that i've never met before.
My mum wants me to dress up cause this is the first time they're
gonna see me since i was a baby, but really, i have noooo mood.
Then, seeing how reluctant i was,she says there are two teenage sons
about my age. And im like, so ? If they're my cousins you cant possibly
expect me to like, flirt with them or whatever.
Not that Im tempted to.
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