You may be out of my sight, but never out of my mind.
A likes B. A tells C,D, E and F. E tells G . A gets pissed off at E for telling G.
A finally tells H. H helps A get B's number from I .So now A has B's number.
D overheard B and B's friends planning to make the first move. Its been a few days
already, but...nothing. A is tired of waiting. A doesnt even know if its A they're
talking about. Should A make the first move ? Or should A just give up and move on ?
But everything that happens, its all pre-determined and meant to be.
I cant change your destiny. I guess i'll just keep moving and maybe
someday i'll get to where im going..
Why thou art runneth thy deny love by and sworn by thee art thou romeo ?
(Btw,that has no meaning whatsoever except to sound shakespeare-ish)
Oh I am talking nonsense again. Someone slap me.
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