Life never asked you what you wanted.
It's just gonna have its way and sometimes,
it doesn't give like it takes.
Clarissa's so nice to me today. HAHA.
She helped me copy my POA notes cause my lip was bleeding
like crazy. Plus i was waaaaay lazy. Anyway i finally understood
the bank reconciliation thing. Yay me hahaha.
I kind of sort of dont really like our math teacher.
She kept comparing us to 3/7 (Which, fyi, is the triple science class for
our year. Instead of 3/8) and im like yeah lah yeah lah we're not
as smart or as obedient as 3/7 but you dont have to talk to us
like we're dumb leh. You know? And she keep talking about
her lesson plan like as if we're so stupid we cannot follow the
normal pace or whatever. Oh jeez so annoying.
I kept laughing throughout today. im hooked to this chinese funeral song
that Danny taught me. hahaha. i wanna find out the tittle and the lyrics !
Even though it sounds damn... scary? I dont know. hahaha. And Jasper
brings ALL his books home after each school day. SO RETARDED! haha.
i cannoooottt stoooopppp laaauuugghhhinnnngggg ^^
! came down for lunch today. Im kind of sort of happy.
I think. I dont know lahxz. I feel like im stalking people
leh. hahahaha. Im gonna stop doing this. Let fate
decide lah hor. hahahaha. k whutever.
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