I'll wait for you till the very end,
till you know that i will never be able to forget you.
No matter how hard I try.
Shit day. Except during SS where i got high with siu/clar.
And physics. Where we learnt about wavelengths, and Mr Woo was telling
us about the lamda, and Lendl couldn't stop smiling cause, well, its sounds like
his name. And Yasir/Akiff was like: " LENDL LAMDA LENDL LAMDA" -_-
Kay. Nothing else.
A soldier who was sent to fight in a war was finally able to return home.
He called his parents," Mum, Dad, I'm coming home. But I have a favour
to ask. i have a friend i would like to bring home with me." "Sure", they replied,
"We'd love to meet him." " There's something you should know about him though."
the son continued. "He got himself injured in a pretty bad state while at war.
He stepped on a mine and lost an arm and a limb. He has no where else to go,
and i want him to live with us."
However,his parents said,"I'm sorry son, perhaps we'll find him a place
to live." " No, mum, dad, I want him to come and live with us."
"Son," his father said, "Some one in such a situation would be a burden to us.
We're got lives to live. We cant let something like this interfere with our lives.
I think you should just come home and forget about the guy. He'll find a way
to live on his own."
The son hung up the phone at this point. His parents never heard from him
until a few days later. They received a call from the police stating that their son
had died after falling from a building. They suspected that he had committed suicide.
The grief stricken parents rushed to the scene immediately and were taken to the
city morgue to identify their son.
They recognized him, but to their horror, they realised that their son only
had a arm and a leg.

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