I wish it could just be simple, like a retro pop song.
'I want you to want me.'
Boom. End of story. We all want to live happily ever after.
But its never really like that, is it ?
-Johnny Tucker Must Die.
Merlissa knows my dirty lil secret. Haha, oei, the only other person
who knows is Clarissa okay, so you better KEEP YOUR MOUTH SHUT !
Anyway today was rhd, and most of 3/1 turned up in traditional costumes!
yay! haha. I came to school in my uniform and changed after that. I look very weird
lah! Next year im going to wear a cheong sam, haha. Mmm, i was sweating like a
pig during morning assembly which made my fringe super wet and ugly.
And I looked super sick in photos.
Lets begin with my favourite picture ! :

Ms Lee still owes me the rest of the class pictures.
Cause we took like, alot.

Elyse wore a kimono. The skirt part was so straight she had
difficulty walking, sitting and standing. hahaha.

Couple pic ^^

Danny wasn't supposed to be in the picture -__-

Veh ugly here put i put it up cuz syaz looks cute.

Mr Suffiyan during chem.

And everyone wants to hold jasper's leg -.-

Core geog guys, 3/1 and 3/9

Core geog girls, 3/1 and 3/9

We had so many cameras pointed at us everyone was looking at different
areas -_- (See yintong looks so gay. hahaha I show denise then you know ^^)
So funny, i felt like i was in a photoshoot leh !
'One more one more!' -__-

Renee and Evan.

Okay thats done.
I didnt do much of the collage thing cause the pictures are too nice ^^
And see lah, i xin xin ku ku make all the edges of the pics round.
ah whatever lah alyssa.
And a bigger version of my fave pic, hahaha. SPOT ME SPOT ME ^^

Everyone didnt have the mood to study, haha. So difficult to concentrate
when im wearing something so scratchy and warm -__-
Mhm, went to tampines and i bought a new bag. I think im
gonna carry it to school on monday! Haha, okay overall today was quite
fun lah. Even though I looked and felt like shit.
Mmmkeh byexx
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