Imagine a future moment in your life,
where all your dreams come true.
It's the greatest moment of your life,
and you get to experience it with one person.
So who's standing next to you?
-- One Tree Hill
I woke up at 0810 this morning when i actually
planned on waking up at 1030 cause some fucker
was downstairs horning (his car horn) like crazy.
The most annoying part is that he was doing it to some
sort of rhythm -_- it was like, beepbeep-beepbeepbeep-
beepbeep-beepbeepbeep and he did it for such a long time !
I mean, i have nothing against people playing with their car horns,
but must you do it at freaking 8am on a saturday?
I forgot to blog about this yesterday, but i have to
say that Evan is the unluckiest girl in the world.
On thursday, she lost her wallet containing 50 bucks and
two sim cards, and yesterday, she accidentally dropped
the phone she borrowed from felicia into the toilet bowl!
Im not very sure how the phone got there, cause when
i walked into the toilet to find renee, april & evan, they
were alr trying to fish the phone out with some other girls help.
From what renee told me, evan was changing
back into her regular school uniform, and as she was
turning to walk out, she accidentally overturned her skirt
or something and the phone plopped into the toilet bowl.
(she was using the squatting kind.) The back part of the
phone opened up, and the phone's battery was flushed under,
so we couldnt get that out. The sec 5 girls finally managed
to get hold of those clips you use when you hang up your
clothes, and used it to 'clip' the phone out. We washed the phone
(while it was still in between the clip) under tap water cause :
1. No on wanted to touch a phone with
toilet bowl water on it.
2. The phone's already dead, so it doesnt
matter if we wash it.
The hardest part was explaining it to felicia,
but fortunately she didnt mind. Then we went to the
staff room to find mr dominic regarding evan's lost wallet.
As we were talking to him, evan accidentally dropped her
PE attire onto the drain part of the parade square &
when she picked it up, it was covered in chewing gum
and she got it all over her legs and culottes (sp?)
Poor girl, she looked like she was gonna cry ):
Accompanied her to the girls toilet to wash up while
April and Renee headed to the general office to see if anyone
had found and returned evan's wallet. (it wasnt there.)
I empathize with her plight and all, but i really dont
know what i can do to help.
Digressing, I hate people who tell me,
"Why didn't you finish your food? Why don't you eat your onions?
Do you know how fortunate you are? People in Africa pray for onions!"
My reply would be this: "Whether I force myself to eat the onions or
throw them away, the Africans would still be famished.
I shall choose the latter."
Totally no connection. Stupid people.
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