Tell me what do you do, when it all falls apart,
Gotta pick myself up, where do I start ?
'Cause I can't turn to you when it all falls apart..
(This post has been edited! scroll down for more :D)
Clarissa cheong is siao.
First she says im cool, then she says im stupid !

okay, nevermind, cause i WAS stupid, and she
redeems herself by saying that i rock. haha.
okay its 1 am now, and i should go to bed.
Will edit this post tmr.
Hi ! Im back to edit this. haha. Okay, so I went to
church in the morning until 1.30 and trained back home
for tuiton at 3. Okay i dont know what to type. Haha.
Oh ! let me tell you what i dont like.
I dont like people who are overly environmentally friendly
cause they make me use 2 sides of the paper! I dont like!
Plus i like to crack syrofoam (sp?) cups, and they dont let me
do it cause it releases CFCs or whatever into the air and
its not good for our our ozone layer or whatever.
Want to know something ?
I apologize if i sound like a spoilt brat or whatever,
but yes. I have tried being eco friendly-ish like using the fan instead
of the air con, and telling the cashier that i dont need a bag cause
i brought mine, but really, after 2 days of air conditionless afternoons,
i felt like i was gonna DIE. I heard from ms vicki koh, that this
family only allows their kids 10 minutes of shower time.
and i take 10 minutes just to remove my clothes and
step into the shower -_- And anyway, its our kids and
grandkids that are gonna suffer from the radiation thingy
not our generation. And even if its gonna affect our generation,
there are a million other eco freaks out there saving the earth.
okay this post shall end abruptly here.
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