Sunday, April 20, 2008


Can you guys like, not talk to each other about my food preferences in
front of me like as if im non- exsistent ? How would you guys like it if i talked
about you in front of you? (weird as the sentence structure might seem)

Anyway, today was like the shittiest day ever.
I've never hated anyone so much in my entire miserable life.
Who are you to judge me & question my abilities(& ambition) ?
You're such a hypocrite. You bitch/gossip about our family members to someone,
but when that her back is turned,you freaking turn around & stab her in the back.
Okaaay, not HER per se, more of her offspring a.k.a me -.-

if you want to say that i cannot make it in life,or that you actually dont wanna tutor me,
you bloody well say it straight to my face. You dont go to your other sis's house
& bitch abt me there. which is kind of pointless, cause,
cousin dearest will just tell me everything.

You take such...perverse glee in other people's misery.
what is wrong with you ? All this bitching & gossiping...
i swear, you act like a fucking girl -.-

So you think you're good in math you all that ?
You say i am stupid. So you think you are very smart ?
You say i cannot make it in life. Then do you think you have made it ?
Just because you're good in math/taught math for over 20 years, yada yada
does not give you the right to call me stupid, or insult me in anyother way.

Not everyone is perfect like you ( or so, you think.)
its not like i didnt want to bring graph paper to your house leh.
you think i want to get a scolding hur ?
Digress a little, you dont even encourage your students when they
dont understand a question/get the wrong anwer etc.

" Such an easy question you also dont know ?"
"Your math is very bad, very very bad."

is that all you can say ?
yes, i know my math is very bad, thank you very much.
(that's why i need tuition, duhhhh.)
you dont have to friggin remind me every 10 seconds,
nothing will change no matter how many time you repeat that.

Oh, you dont need to say that you feel like
killing me/grabbing my hair & throwing me off the building.
i'll gladly throw myself off the building.
Every sunday is torture to me. And at your house,
i have to control my tears until i get home, where i can bawl my eyes out,
and no one will give a damn. I keep so much emotions bottled up
i think i'm gonna explode one day or something.

e.leong, i hope you rot in hell.
And most of all, i hope your dick drops off ~~~ !

Oh, and w.leong. i have not forgotten you.
i know you think i cannot make it in life as well.
& i know you fucking look down on me.
one day, when i finally make it, i will go up to you
and give a long, loud and smelly fart in your face. (hahaha)


and last of all i wanna say:
(ohman, it feels good to let it all out ^^)

P/s : dont tell me what i can or cannot say/type.
this is MY blog, and i can bloody well say whatever i want to.

p/p/s: You dont want me to use vulgarities isit ?
(oh, in case you're asking, i DO know the meaning of 'fuck')




toodles (;


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