I stole a glance and turned away
Today was quite fun lah i guess ._.
The funniest part was in geog i think.
i was sitting in front of joan, then the circular plastic thingy from my correction tape came off. There was a small hole in the center of that plastic thing so i was like, HEEEEY ! NIPPLE HOLDER ! HAAAA. I think joan and gillian was grossed out.
(rmb Jellybean/eggshell bra, Head drop into vag!na, Metal G-string with electricity (ouch!), Throwing a knife into someones vag!na (OUCH x1000),the whip ( o.o kinky sex sera !) and AFRICAN WOMAN WITH SAGGY BREAST !)
HAAHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA. we are sooo perverted . But i liiiike. HAAA.
Mdm chng said that people who owed her existing homework had to stay back until everything is completed. So during CME, the whole class was chionging math.
copying, that is. >< heh. And when mdm norah (?) came in,i think she was shocked.
HAAAA. No teacher in class, yet everyone's quietly doing work ? O.o
which reminds me :
p.s i cant rmb the exact words, but it went smth like this.
Me: (looks at yasir doing work ) waaah, so hardworking ah ?
Cuixia : (Peers over)Hardworking your head ah ! He copying homework lah !
Me: chehhh, make me think what -.-
Yasir : nono ! not copying, this is REFERENCE. (cheesy smile)
I ROFL-ed on that O_o
CME was okay. Was partly chionging math. We watched this show and there was this rape scene which got the guys all turned on. rofl.
hmm, anyway we stayed back for math today, but clarissa and sera wanted to go to the vietnam/cambodia fieldtrip thingy. Listened to the briefing and whatnot then we had to go over to Mr Faizal to check how much $$$ we had in out edusave. And we had to deduct $150 from the ammt we saw there. I had $550 exactly, so i had $400 to spend on the trip which costed $578.
Gillian was funny. She had $148 in her account, and she had to deduct $150 from it.
so the remaining will be what she has left for the trip.
And she was like: Heyyyy ! My edusave has a negetive ammount ! HAAAA, SO CUTE :D
Anyway, me,gillian,joan,yeeteen,kamini,wanning,sera and clarissa decided not to go in the end coz there are only 40 slots,and what if you get chosen and your friends arent ?
coz if you are chosen and you withdraw,you have to pay the full amt ($578+400)in cash even though you withdrew. And who wants to go w/o their friends? Completely pointless if you ask me. I cant imagine going alone w/o Gillian, Joan, Sera,Clarissa, Wanning and Yeeeeteeeen ! I love you all ! hahahaaa, touched anot? ROFLMAO ^^v
We (Clarissa,Sera,me) walked back to class. Mdm chng had to go for a meeting so we were free to leave O_O SO LUCKY (: Saw some chem files, so decided to be good classmates and deliver them to the chem lab ourselves (:
walked home with sera,doreen and cherie(: Btw,Happy Birthday Gerald :D
Oh and i wanna say : THREE-ONE 2008 ROCKS MY SOCKS <3
toodles (:
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