
My lappie conked out -.-
So now i have to make do with this huge big old com .
nth much happened durimg the week .
My life is still pretty much occupied with the
usual band practices and the never ending pile of homework .
but im starting to enjoy band more ... (:
Bio today was the shiiiiitiest period i ever had .
Dianalimyeeping's a biiiiiiiiiiiitch .
ihateherihateherihateherrrrrr ~
At the end of the lesson she was all, i dont like you .
and im like , i dont like you too .
but of course i didnt say it out loud la .
thats like gaylord dumbbbb .
Band prac today was rly funny .
we did alot on the colours of the different parts of the music .
which is quite fun also .
with all the diff colours and explainations that goes with it .
and mr wong treats us like his children !
soooo sweeet !
he says evertime before a perfromance,
he'll go to one corner, and pray to god,
"please give my children confidence to play"
and stuff like that .
how sweet is that ! he takes us as his children (:
Stupid bitch caught me,Pamela & April for our socks .
i didnt wear sch socks so i was like freaking outtt .
she told us to wait for her outside the general office,
then firdaus told us to run away .
but then no point la .
she'll still see us in lesson anyway .
Syf's next tues,and i have t miss thurs & fri's band prac,
because i ahve to go to m'sia with my mum to
celebrate the birthday of my grandma,
whom i dont even talk to . -.-
I WANT TO GO FOR BAND !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
darn .
Replies to tags :
- : hmm, i dotn even know who you are .]
Renee : you better like it lor !
we spent like 60 bucks on you ok !
yt: uh huh . haha .
Stranger2 : oh . haha . ok,. yeah its rly sweeeeet (:
Zarifah: oooh , haha ,but she was rly sick lor . lol .
Stranger3 :oh rly ? they're rolly your friends or smth .
Faris : lol, must keep the blog updated what .
and im always so detailed (: ok .
& thats for lending me your sci notes (:
love youu !
Colin : lol, thanks & ok (:
i guess thats abt it .
bye (:
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