RYUZAKI ! ilu ! <3333333333
i am so tired .
and it only like 9pm =.=
my eyes are half closed as i type this .
so im sorry for any spelling mistakes .
before anything,
i would like to say that
our new DM's a b!tch .
oooooh , i hate her so much .
even mr seetoh is way better than her (mr seetoh ! i want you back ! D: )
at least he doesnt stand at the foyer
every morning to give us attire checks .
and he doesnt follow us up to class
to give us lectures about good attire .
omg . i hope we make life difficult for her (:
i miss mr seetoh D:
anyway .
today sch as usual ,
i went kuku in class .
i dunno why i laugh so much .
lol . i was sooo bored so i imagined faris
having a heart attack . hahah . weird , i know .
i think i imagined it too vividly . lol .
laugh like siao and cannot stop . ha .
faris says im crazy . xD
after sch,
MightFive went to cps to have lunch .
then went to renee's hse to collect our instru .
then headed for band frm 2.30 - 5.30
3 hrs only ? O.o
we played sunrise & safari .
SYF set piece .
mr wong introuduced the composer ,
james barnes . which is the same composer as Alvamar .
then suddenly zul was like ,
Zul : Mr Wong , are they bros or the same person ?
mrwong : they're the same person, why ?
Zul : coz this one says John Barnes .
lol . he said in a way that was sooo funny .
hahaahhaha .
quite nice excpet clarinetist have alot of running notes .
omg . like 2 pages full .
pantatonic scale smre ? =.=
then the beginning of the song was soooo nice .
& bass clarinet part was sooo nice !
( actually need a contra bass clarinet to play ,
but we dont have one of those .)
christopher's ( the bass clari player) part was soooo nice !
ok, i think ive said that before . lol .
i kept humming it on the way home .
quite loudly i might add . ahaha .
people must be thinking :
" omg, this girl crazy ah , sing so loudly by herself.."
lol .
and izza or whats-her-name had to play the piccolo .
piccolo is like a miniature flute , with higher pitch .
the length of a piccolo is smth like the length
of a 18cm ruler .
and the 2nd clarinets had to play the oboe part...
but end up still sound quite nice :DD
then there's this part where
wardarh was asking permission frm hansley to fall in .
then she was like permission to fall in sir !
but hansley was busy adjusting his sock .
so wardarh just stood there giving him this angry look .
but hansley still havent finish adjusting .
so she just sighed and went to join us .
lol . the look she gave was so funny .
reminded me of the time during concert rehearsals
wardarh had to be the MC and play the trumpet .
coz the trumpets are at the back of the band ,
she had to rush up and down everytime to
announce the piece we're playing and its background .
then she was like , woah , liddat i can lose 20 pounds alrd .
lol .
she's so funny lah .
hais .
tmr still got phebe's baby thing at 3 ..
i want to sleep leh .
hahaha .
i can sleep from 9pm the previous night to 7pm
the next day . hahaha . pig . X)
k, end here .
got losts more stuff .
but too lazy to include .
kbye .
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