omg .
i cannot believe what i just did .
i just snuck online .
if my mum finds out, i'll be deadddddd :x
anway .
i laughed alot today .
im not even sure why .
but i rmb this incident after bio
when we were walking back to class .
April kept saying HI to daniel . lol .
i dunno why she did that .
haha, maybe cuz he's kinda ... quiet ?
but he's damnnnnn gentlemanly (:
all guys shld be like him man .
lol .
but anyways .
she went " hi....hi...hi...hi..."
until he turned ard and gave her this really weird look .
lolololol .
This 'look' is rly hard to replicate .
lol . its like a smile, a frown and a dao look mixed into one .
lolol . so far ive only seen my cousin & daniel do it .
ok .
after sch, went to ws to eat .
on the way there,
we saw the dm, mr desmond chong & principal .
apparently there was a fight going on at one of the block .
being typical busybodies ,
me, april, evan & renee went to have a look .
we saw plenty of ppl running off insted .
turns out they saw dm , mr DC & principal coming .
& they only caught like 3 guys .
cuz they're too slow to run away . i think .
went to waterise .
i bought fries . munched on they on the way back to sch .
ohya . & as we were steping out of ws ,
we saw dm & mr desmond chong stepping in .
lol . they didnt see us . so heng maaaan .
we hve great timing (:
went back in time for band .
we had sectionals .
frm 2.30 - 4.30, but we left at 5 plus, close to 6 .
we worked on sunrise & alvamar .
but more on alvamar i think .
after sectionals .
went back to band room .
hansley was counting for renee .
lol , she kept rushing . heheeeh .
meanwhile i played with hansley's crutches .
(he broke his leg recently)
so fun :D
* i meant the part whr i was playing*
ok .
then i went home .
went online but agn ,
practically none of the 2/1 people were online .
ok well, jasper,boonsiong,faris,delton & evangelineeee were online .
(frm 2/1)
ner wonder im the closest to them in class . lol .
actually in msger,
the only people i see online are usually,
Evan, boonsiong,jasper,delton,april,
merlissa,fatin,faris,yinyong,terence & tiara .
& sometimes daniel ,
other than that, no one else ever goes online -.-
huh . wonder why .
ok .
im going to bed ,
tmr got syf rehearsals !
2pm - 730 pm (:
bye .
ohwait ,
shitshitshitshit .
tmr i gt chinese tuition @ 9.30 am .
hmwrk still havent complete .
okbye .
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