great .
just great .
my toaster hates me .
for some reason, its not working .
- frowns .
i have no idea why .
just now, i went to make cheese toast .
i put the bread in the toaster,
and set the timer to five minutes .
five mins later, the bread comes out looking just
like it had, before it went into the toaster .
so i thought, ok, nvrmind, i'll try again .
so i set it to five mins agn,
and five mins later it still wasnt toasted !
i was so frustrated by then coz i rly like cheese toast (:
& now im eating untoasted cheese toast while typing this .
ok, well, now its just plain old cheese & bread ):
what happen to my toaster !?
church was rly fun today.
i brought chelsea for the second time .
& the games was especially fun .
at first we played like random stuff
like arranging ourselves by height
and stuff like that .
then we got into 2 grps, like guys & girls seperate .
then we wrote our hanyupinyin names on the board .
there was this blanket seperating us,
so we couldnt see each other .
then we sat on either sides of the blanket .
& each grp have to send forward a person to sit
right behind the blanket seperating us .
so when the blanket drops, you have to like
say the persons hanyupinyin name
before the the opponent does .
thn it was super funny la .
laugh until my face all red .
ha .
went to hans with mummy,
her friends and chelsea for lunch .
then took an mrt back to pasiris
& then a bus to my tuition teacher's
place for chinese tuition ):
i rly hate chinese .
why cant singaporeans learn a language
more interesting, like french or whatever .
at least french is cooler than chinese .
and its written in alphabets and not in character form .
i soooo cant wait to go to poly so i can drop chinese .
at first i was wondering whether i shud go poly or JC .
then cailin metioned that you
dont have to take chinese in poly .
that was when i rly set my mind on going to poly (:
anth 2 more years of chinese and im done with it .
i cannot wait .
yay .
ok so .
after tuition .
mummy fetched me back home .
and the next thing i knew,
we were quarelling .
it happened so fast .
i didnt even know what we were quarelling abt .
my mum can be sooo irritating at time .
and sometimes, ok well most of the time
she can get so unreasonable .
and she doenst like to admit her mistakes .
which in turn makes me so angry at her .
and sometimes i get soooo angry i just burst into tears .
and not all those normal tears mind you .
they're HOT tears . hahaha .
i can actually feel them burning my cheeks
as they roll down o.O
and then i'll get sooo depressed ( lol)
ok .
and then i wanted to buy anth photoshop
coz mine is like so backdated .
and when i told her, not only did she refuse,
she also insists on buying an imitation copy
which costs likke 8 measly bucks .
compared to an original which costs like a hundred bucks .
so i patiently told her that i had sufficient funds to purchase
my own . and that a imitation one will not do the job well,
and will probably cause a virus to the computer .
or just jam up the whole system .
but, being the stubborn woman that she is .
she STILL refused .
and she bought me an imitation one instead .
- narrows eyes -
im so gonna make my own virus and
programme it to attack my own lappie .
im good at this sort of stuff ok .
dont under estimate me ; hahaha .
and of course the virus will be curable la .
im not so dumb to permanantly damage my laptop .
then i'll run to her and go ,
hahahah .
then she'll have no choice but to let me buy an original .
muahahahahaha .
ok .
i still have my lit & chinese hw to do .
damn ):
anyway, band tomorrow ,
smth i can look forward to :DDDD
byebye !
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