YAY. The pictures for the church camp are HEREEE!! To put it simply, this camp was organized by the Aggies( A group of university students from Texas.) And its for Singapore and Malaysian churches to learn about God. YAY. The camp was held in Malaysia ; KL. We stayed in Port Dickson Resort. At first my room mate was Evan Wong from Bedok, But was switched to xiang. LOL. YAY. She's such a good roommate. (=

This is where we stayed. Nice right ? LOL.
During game time. LEFT,JUWEI . RIGHT,KEENHOE.
Then during free time,which is about 4-6 pm, Most of the moulmein-ers would go to the beach to play. Then at that time there was this extremly low tide . And you can see millions of tiny crabs marching towards the water. Then Kun AKA Adrian caught like so many. Joel was so so cruel, he just picked a live crab from the sand and ripped its legs off. =X Then in the room, he froze another crab alive. Then he tore off its legs and squished it. Can see the juices flowing out. GROSSS. And there was this sinking sand that Bev discovered. You will sink in there extremely FAST. So fun can.
The guys playing soccer during free time. ((=
ICETRES! My group name. =D
We went to a seafood restaurant to eat also.The restaurant is near a beach.The food there was gooood. But most of the dishes were extremely spicy so the Aggies didnt dare to eat. Brad ended up eating rice and soy sauce. LOL.
Then there was this beeeeauutiful sunset at ard 7 plus almost 8. And everyone rushed to the window to take pictures. Even me. ((=
The BEAUTIFUL sunset at the seafood restaurant.
The next night, we had to put up a skit about the theme of our camp, which is SHINE. we were given two hours to prepare a 5 minute or more skit. There were 6 groups. Chahaya,Icetres (my group),Pyro five,Golden Rubber Ducks and the fireflies. ((=
AARON( PYRO5) (Another Aaron.) acting like a nerd during the skit. HAHA.
CAMP PHOTO !!!!!!!! YAY !!!
After camp we went to the seramban church in Malaysia for the Sunday service. The Aggies were split up. Half went to Seramban and half went to PJ. Then Seramban ppl were so kind can. They prepared us lunch you know. I mean PREPARE ! Couldnt they just order catering service or smth ??!! They're so hospitable !! Ohya. And the Aggies were so fascinated by the duck head. They were taking picture with it also. Ross was like, "ALYSSA! theres a duck head !" And im like, SO? Lols. Cuz seeing duck heads is like so common in Singapore. After lunch, we taught Rocio, (One of the AGS.) how to speak chinese. She part mexican I think. And she can speak like NINE languages! MAAN. She can even do sign language. Then she taught us abit of Spanish. After that, The Aggies had to leave for Thailand( means we'll nvr see them again.) , and we had to return to Singapore. Everyone was like hugging and saying good bye. Such a sad moment. And Rocio kept hugging me. hehehs. So we parted ways .We ( moulmein-ners) slept most of the time on the bus, but after the stop, we started playing cards until the customs. The customs took like an hour to clear can. The queue was extremely looooong. okays. Then we played cards somemore until we reached Novena Square. Thats where my mother fetched me home. THE END.
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