OMG !! Im like SO SORYY
I havent been updating.
Cuz,My internet was down for like two whole weeks.
And the surprising thing is that I
can log on to messenger but not to the internet .
But my internet is fine alrd. (=
Okkays. The midyears are finally over .
I didnt score too well.
Flunked my math.
By ONE mark. Just ONE.
And because of that,I cried in class. )):
I know its no use.But I just couldn't help it.
Im bored.
i shall blog about the 15th of mayy. (:
15 may.
Went to WWW with April ; Renee ; Ben ; Wilson and Darren.
And it was so fun can. E
specially the ular-lah and the slide thingy.
We were wet from top to toe and scream like siao.
Also got the shiok river.
We had ALOT of fun there.
And the wave pool as well.
The wave pool will like,
generate waves every ten minutes liddat.
So during that ten minutes, Me, April and Renee,
who were on the float thingy tried very hard
to go to the other end where the guys were.
Then when we finally did it,
the wave just swept us back to where we started from.
The pic is at the top. (=
Anyways,I've decided to blog
regularly starting from todayy.
yay right.
toodles. (:
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