i know no one will read this.
cuz its a damn long post.
but whatever.
shall blog abt my trip to thailand :DD
went with most of the church people.
loads of pictures.
Day 1 (24/11/06)
woke up extremly early.
rched airport ard 3.45am.
checked in & everything.
then ate at hans w the others.
saw this girl with super super long hair.
i personally think its ridiculous.

omg right. (:
at 5.25am me & my mum boarded the plane.
The plane has no aerobridge leading to the entrance.
its like all those hollywood movies whr
we have to enter the plane by stairs. (:

slept on the plane.
3 hours later , we rched thailand.
rhodang came to fetch us.
a rhodang is this van thing with no door.
so at the back there's this big space whr
the door is suppose to be.

the inside.
we rched the hotel.
sky was damn blue.
as in, not a single cloud for miles ard.

went back to the hotel room.
slept till 4 plus.
when i woke up.
saw this really freaky thing in the cuboard.
shall not elaborate.
certain people should know eh.
omg. damn scary.
cuz, i was facing the cuboard.
i was still lying dwn & my mum was in the toilet.
so i quickly flipped around.
and inside was like
'please go awaaaay, ohpleaseohpleaseohplease..'
so scaryyyyyy!
i hate 9202.
went dwn for dinner.
the stairs were nice ((:

Day 2 ( 25/11/06)
had this prayer walk thing in the morning.
the place was so pretty.
i'll just show you one picture.

im lazy to upload so many. hehehe.
during rest time went to ryan,david & kun's room.
( they share a room.)
the guys had to do the game thing fo the hilltribe carnival.

half complete.
ryan is drawing.
kun is looking at who knows what.
& amamda's eating a brownie. (:

closer look. (:

completed. ((:
at night had hilltribe breifing.
Day 3 (26/11/06)
we checked out. headed to green palace.
the rest went to either elephant farm or umbrella factory.
at night we went to the walking street & night bazaar.
things there damn cheaaaaap.

some satay thingy.

hand carved flower soaps. (:

feet massage.

egg thingy.
& there were people in the middle of the road.
performing for money.

the yellow sign says
' i would like to get money for study.'

father playing , daughters singing.

little girl dancing for $
Day 4 (27/11/06)
damn long day.
went to hill tribe sch.
ride up was..bleah.
so bumpy and fast and the road was super winding.
stopped halfway to see the view.

nice. (:

reached there.
youth took photos on top of the rhodang. (:

i look fat & retarded.

hilltribe children.

aunty catherine. with HT children.

their toilets. inside damn dirty.
we had this carnival thing.
our game was to let then shoot darts at the balloon.
if you burst it, you get stickers.
same goes for other games.
at the end of everything, you can exchange the stickers for prizes.
the prizes are pretty lousy.
just soft toys , waterbottles and stuff.
but they prolly mean the world to them.
cuz, they're so poor.

han & xiang setting up.

HT children queing up to play our game ((:

collecting prizes.

joel looking up.
kun sticking his toungue out. so cute.
and xiang's in the van.
photobuckt is taking foreverrrr.
ok um.

eoin pulling joel's pants dwn. hah.

kun & joel.


their food. so, err. disgusting. haha. sorryyy.

their lunch.

i look damn sian here. lol.

all of us :DD
went to village church.
damn cold up there.
ate lunch there too.

view up there. pretty.

had to wash our own plates.

went to strawberry farm during break.

amanda & her strawberry.
i have a pic of joel looking retarded.
but photobucket refuses to upload his pic. lol.

the host making the rotiprata thing.

worship at night. super cold.
then the 2 of the youth's has to share
their experience on the trip.
with like, the entire church.
obviously, no one wanted to do it.
so we drew lots.
and i, being the unlucky one got chosen.
han also. lol. at least im not the only one.
actually i took the card that joel took.
the safe one.
but but when i took it.
joel was holding on to it too.
so, being a complete idoit,
i let go of it.
and i took the last card remaining instead.
flipped over the card and.
DAMNNNNNN. i kena. haiyaaa.
spoil my holiday.
super nervous now.
on the way back.
4 of the youth were gossiping.
in the van.
oooooooh, how infuirating.
and so obvious somemore.
& there i am pretending to be unaware of whats going on.
we're not invisible, blind or dumb you know.
you all want to gossip, fine.
but can do it more discreetly anot.
espcially since WE'RE the subject of matter , im sure.
amanda was super pissed la.
blardy irritating.
Day5 ( 28/11/06)

their canteen.
went to church first then to CMU university.
had to give out this english thing.
food there dirt cheap.
a starbucks standard coffee costs like, $0.80. (25 baht)
chicken rice also.
then we went to leprosy home.

their rooms look like this.
they performed for us.
& we performed for them.


them agn , singing.
went to the place whr they sold handicrafts made by the lepers.
can see how they make it also.
i'll just show one. lazy to upload.

some of us went to street market.
the rest went.. dunno whr.

guess what this is. hahas. its fried worms. yummm :DDD

woman selling fruits. cute sch girl behind.
at night we went to help at stalls.
all the youth and some adults went.
joel , eoin and david went to help at dunno what stall.
kun,xiang & ryan went to clear dishes at a stall next to us.
me & amanda helped this aunty at her stall.
later on, me and amanda had to wash dishes.
kun & ryan came to help.
xiang went over to joel's stall.
we didnt use tap to wash the plates.
we use the bucket type.
at first me & amanda were washing
kun and ryan drying.
but we exchanged duties later on.
no pictures tho , forgot to bring cam.
after that went bowling.
it was ard 10pm plus.
the bowling alley was really dark
and the music was damn loud.
like we're in a club liddat.
super cool.

on the way up. in the lift.
half of kun.
and ryan. look like terrorist. hahas.

the bowling alley.
the pins and bowling balls are glow in the dark.

retarded pic of joel :DD
p/s : he did this purposely.
i can assure you he doesnt normally dress like this.
i have this video of kun bowling.
super funny.
i'll show it in the next post.
plus him & joel's handshake thing.
at night went to eoin & joel's room.
played cards until ard 4am.

clockwise frm the girl in yellow.
Amnada ( girl in yellow.) , joel , xiang, kun & a teeny bit of eoin.
went back to xiang & amanda's room.
mom woke me up at 5.30am.

went dwn stairs to check out.
went to airport.
rhodang was very crowded.
i was squished btween kun & my mum.

checked in at airport.
& then back to hot, old singapore. sighh.
i know no one will read this.
cuz its a damn long post.
but whatever.
shall blog abt my trip to thailand :DD
went with most of the church people.
loads of pictures.
Day 1 (24/11/06)
woke up extremly early.
rched airport ard 3.45am.
checked in & everything.
then ate at hans w the others.
saw this girl with super super long hair.
i personally think its ridiculous.

omg right. (:
at 5.25am me & my mum boarded the plane.
The plane has no aerobridge leading to the entrance.
its like all those hollywood movies whr
we have to enter the plane by stairs. (:

slept on the plane.
3 hours later , we rched thailand.
rhodang came to fetch us.
a rhodang is this van thing with no door.
so at the back there's this big space whr
the door is suppose to be.

the inside.
we rched the hotel.
sky was damn blue.
as in, not a single cloud for miles ard.

went back to the hotel room.
slept till 4 plus.
when i woke up.
saw this really freaky thing in the cuboard.
shall not elaborate.
certain people should know eh.
omg. damn scary.
cuz, i was facing the cuboard.
i was still lying dwn & my mum was in the toilet.
so i quickly flipped around.
and inside was like
'please go awaaaay, ohpleaseohpleaseohplease..'
so scaryyyyyy!
i hate 9202.
went dwn for dinner.
the stairs were nice ((:

Day 2 ( 25/11/06)
had this prayer walk thing in the morning.
the place was so pretty.
i'll just show you one picture.

im lazy to upload so many. hehehe.
during rest time went to ryan,david & kun's room.
( they share a room.)
the guys had to do the game thing fo the hilltribe carnival.

half complete.
ryan is drawing.
kun is looking at who knows what.
& amamda's eating a brownie. (:

closer look. (:

completed. ((:
at night had hilltribe breifing.
Day 3 (26/11/06)
we checked out. headed to green palace.
the rest went to either elephant farm or umbrella factory.
at night we went to the walking street & night bazaar.
things there damn cheaaaaap.

some satay thingy.

hand carved flower soaps. (:

feet massage.

egg thingy.
& there were people in the middle of the road.
performing for money.

the yellow sign says
' i would like to get money for study.'

father playing , daughters singing.

little girl dancing for $
Day 4 (27/11/06)
damn long day.
went to hill tribe sch.
ride up was..bleah.
so bumpy and fast and the road was super winding.
stopped halfway to see the view.

nice. (:

reached there.
youth took photos on top of the rhodang. (:

i look fat & retarded.

hilltribe children.

aunty catherine. with HT children.

their toilets. inside damn dirty.
we had this carnival thing.
our game was to let then shoot darts at the balloon.
if you burst it, you get stickers.
same goes for other games.
at the end of everything, you can exchange the stickers for prizes.
the prizes are pretty lousy.
just soft toys , waterbottles and stuff.
but they prolly mean the world to them.
cuz, they're so poor.

han & xiang setting up.

HT children queing up to play our game ((:

collecting prizes.

joel looking up.
kun sticking his toungue out. so cute.
and xiang's in the van.
photobuckt is taking foreverrrr.
ok um.

eoin pulling joel's pants dwn. hah.

kun & joel.


their food. so, err. disgusting. haha. sorryyy.

their lunch.

i look damn sian here. lol.

all of us :DD
went to village church.
damn cold up there.
ate lunch there too.

view up there. pretty.

had to wash our own plates.

went to strawberry farm during break.

amanda & her strawberry.
i have a pic of joel looking retarded.
but photobucket refuses to upload his pic. lol.

the host making the rotiprata thing.

worship at night. super cold.
then the 2 of the youth's has to share
their experience on the trip.
with like, the entire church.
obviously, no one wanted to do it.
so we drew lots.
and i, being the unlucky one got chosen.
han also. lol. at least im not the only one.
actually i took the card that joel took.
the safe one.
but but when i took it.
joel was holding on to it too.
so, being a complete idoit,
i let go of it.
and i took the last card remaining instead.
flipped over the card and.
DAMNNNNNN. i kena. haiyaaa.
spoil my holiday.
super nervous now.
on the way back.
4 of the youth were gossiping.
in the van.
oooooooh, how infuirating.
and so obvious somemore.
& there i am pretending to be unaware of whats going on.
we're not invisible, blind or dumb you know.
you all want to gossip, fine.
but can do it more discreetly anot.
espcially since WE'RE the subject of matter , im sure.
amanda was super pissed la.
blardy irritating.
Day5 ( 28/11/06)

their canteen.
went to church first then to CMU university.
had to give out this english thing.
food there dirt cheap.
a starbucks standard coffee costs like, $0.80. (25 baht)
chicken rice also.
then we went to leprosy home.

their rooms look like this.
they performed for us.
& we performed for them.


them agn , singing.
went to the place whr they sold handicrafts made by the lepers.
can see how they make it also.
i'll just show one. lazy to upload.

some of us went to street market.
the rest went.. dunno whr.

guess what this is. hahas. its fried worms. yummm :DDD

woman selling fruits. cute sch girl behind.
at night we went to help at stalls.
all the youth and some adults went.
joel , eoin and david went to help at dunno what stall.
kun,xiang & ryan went to clear dishes at a stall next to us.
me & amanda helped this aunty at her stall.
later on, me and amanda had to wash dishes.
kun & ryan came to help.
xiang went over to joel's stall.
we didnt use tap to wash the plates.
we use the bucket type.
at first me & amanda were washing
kun and ryan drying.
but we exchanged duties later on.
no pictures tho , forgot to bring cam.
after that went bowling.
it was ard 10pm plus.
the bowling alley was really dark
and the music was damn loud.
like we're in a club liddat.
super cool.

on the way up. in the lift.
half of kun.
and ryan. look like terrorist. hahas.

the bowling alley.
the pins and bowling balls are glow in the dark.

retarded pic of joel :DD
p/s : he did this purposely.
i can assure you he doesnt normally dress like this.
i have this video of kun bowling.
super funny.
i'll show it in the next post.
plus him & joel's handshake thing.
at night went to eoin & joel's room.
played cards until ard 4am.

clockwise frm the girl in yellow.
Amnada ( girl in yellow.) , joel , xiang, kun & a teeny bit of eoin.
went back to xiang & amanda's room.
mom woke me up at 5.30am.

went dwn stairs to check out.
went to airport.
rhodang was very crowded.
i was squished btween kun & my mum.

checked in at airport.
& then back to hot, old singapore. sighh.
ok. finally finished.
you guys better enjoy the pictures.
cuz it took me forever to upload.
& damn. still have my speech thing to work on.
oh, darn youuuu.